
Q2 2017 Windsor-Essex County Real Estate Market Statistics

Q2 2017 Windsor-Essex County Real Estate Market Statistics The market statistics for residential real estate in Windsor and Essex County are now in for the second quarter of 2017 (April 1st to June 30th), and they continue to show significant growth in a number of categories throughout the region. When compared to the same time period last year, we can see a substantial increase in the average sale price, percentage of listings sold, number of homes sold, and home equity gain, all of which is indicative of a strong seller’s market. The strong market for sellers for Windsor-Essex real estate can seen through an 8.4% increase in the number of home sales compared to the same quarter in 2016. The average sale price of a home in the Windsor-Essex region has increased to $267,715, up 19.1% over the previous year, giving homeowners an average equity gain of $43,564. New listings were down slightly compared to 2016, with 6,418 new listings representing a 1.1% decrease from the same time last year. These numbers show that there is a continuing demand…

Welcome to My New Website

Welcome to My New Website As I continue to work to provide my clients with the best information and assistance when it comes to buying or selling a home, I am happy to bring you my new website. I hope that you find the listings, tools, and resources here helpful to you as you decide about how to move ahead with your next real estate transaction. Learn more about the homes for sale in Windsor and Essex County from my listings page, and browse properties for sale by neighbourhood, trending area, or view all listings. You can also find out more about my passion for heritage homes and historic properties around Essex County, and learn more about some of the special considerations to take into account when looking at this type of property. You can also find out more about my history in real estate, including my 25+ years in the business and the importance I place on building lasting relationships with my clients. I truly want to bring the value of my experience and passion for real estate to work for each of my clients,…

Historic Homes for Sale in Windsor and Essex County

Historic Homes for Sale in Windsor and Essex County The heritage homes for sale in Windsor and Essex County are one of my passions when it comes to real estate. I have a great deal of expeirence helping my clients find the right hertiage homes for sale, and guiding them in learning more about what to look for and how to restore these historic buildings. Read the article below to learn more about my expierence and knowledge when it comes to heritage homes in Windsor-Essex.

Rob Gruich
Rob Gruich Sales Representative (519) 818-8989 (519) 735-7222

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